Services estimations simple as never before
When you run a company, you prepare at least several quotes every week. You and your colleagues devote several hours each to it.
With Estimade you will do it much faster and more efficiently.
Create a backlog based on a template or use tasks from a library.
The more you use Estimade, the larger and more detailed your library service base will become. The number of templates you can use to create an estimate will also increase. More about templates contradicts
However, if you create completely custom backlog tasks, you can add them to the library for future use. Thus, you will save time in the future to redefine the conditions of the task.

Based on the prepared backlog, create an estimate.
The estimate is a natural extension of the backlog, where your task is to determine the target hourly rates for the service, additional costs (such as servers or other licenses) and the level of risk. You can mark the finished estimate as ready or roll it back for re-verification.
You can also create a new version of the estimate at any time, based on the current one.
You can read more about versioning here.

Generate an offer and present it to the customer.
The finished estimate can be presented to your client in several different ways
- in the form of an XLS file, so that your client can access the estimate offline
- in the form of a PDF file, which is a classic sales offer file in the form of a personalized presentation. You can read more about personalizing a quote here
- in the form of online access to the quote - almost exactly as you see it in your application. All you have to do is copy the link to the offer and share it with your customer.

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