§1 General provisions
- These regulations have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws No. 144, item 1204, as amended),
- The administrator of the web application is: Adam Terepora, ul. Jaskolcza 13/50, 20-330, Poland, hereinafter referred to as the "Administrator".
- The terms used in the Regulations should be understood as follows:
- Application - the web application run by the Administrator, enabling the use of the services referred to in the Regulations and on the terms specified therein.
- Regulations - these Regulations,
- Price List - a list of applicable fees for the use of various forms of the Application available on the website.
- User - an entity that uses the service provided by the Manager electronically within the Application,
- Login - the User's email address, which is at the same time his/her individual and unique designation used to use the Application,
- Password - a string of characters selected by the User, which the User uses to secure his/her access to the Application,
- Services - services provided to the User by the Manager, available within the Application, the type of which is specified in the Regulations,
- User Manual - a description of the functions of the system and the method of their use by Users posted on
- These Regulations define the types and scope of electronic provision of services by the Manager and the rules of use of the, as well as the terms of payment, and the procedure for dealing with comments and failures.
- By registering in the Application, the User confirms that he/she has read the Regulations, understood their content and accepts all their provisions and undertakes to comply with them.
- The content of the Terms and Conditions is available at: and may be freely recorded by the User.
- By using the Application, the User agrees that the Administrator may store on his/her computer "cookies" (so-called "cookies") necessary for the proper operation of the web application, which can be read by the server each time the User connects to a particular computer. These files are required for the operation of the application, while not interfering in any way with the operation and data of the User's computer.
- The Manager has the right to place advertising content in the Application in the forms used on the Internet. The Manager shall not be liable in any way for the advertising content placed in the Application and for any claims of third parties arising therefrom.
§2 Scope of services provided by the Manager
- Services provided by the Manager to Users within the Application:
- Creating service quotes
- Management of the User's service catalog,
- Management of the User's customer base,
- Management of the User's offer database,
- Generation of User offers,
- Archiving of the database of offers and customers,
- Reports and printouts.
- The proper way to use the various services offered by the Application is described in the User's Manual located on
- The Application provided by the Administrator may be used by the User during the period selected by the User. The condition for using the Application is acceptance of the current terms and conditions and payment of the subscription for the selected period.
§3 Rules of use of the Application
- The Application can be accessed only in online form, and therefore it is necessary for the User to use a computer with access to the Internet. The Application is accessible through the following browsers: Edge, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome.
- Before starting to work in the Application, the User must complete the registration form and follow the subsequent steps according to the instructions provided in the Application.
- The User is required to provide the following data during registration:
- Unique subdomain name in the domain
- E-mail address for contact
- Acceptance of these regulations
- Data provided by the User during the registration process, must be in accordance with the factual and legal status. During the use of the Application, the User is obliged to immediately update this data in case of changes.
- During the registration process the User enters an e-mail address, the Manager sends to the e-mail address provided access data in the form of:
- Application URL
- confirmation of the created login
- generated password
- The User may change the data entered in the Application during registration after logging in to his/her account.
- In order to use the Application, it is necessary for the User to log in on the main page of the Application by correctly entering the user name (Login) and Password.
- The User may not share his/her Password with third parties.
- The User may not transfer his/her rights to use the Application to any other person without the express consent obtained by the Application Manager in writing under pain of nullity. The Application Manager shall also have the right in such a case to claim compensation in the amount of the equivalent of the subscription fee for the time of use by the unauthorized person.
- The User may not provide unlawful content while using the Application.
- If the User has problems accessing the Application, he/she should contact by email (email: support (at)
- The Administrator may temporarily or permanently block access to the Application immediately if the User:
- violates the provisions of the Regulations,
- takes actions that threaten the security of the data stored in the Application,
- performs illegal activities through the Application,
- acts to the detriment of the Manager,
- rovides unlawful content;
- provided false data in the Application registration process.
- In the aforementioned cases, the fee paid by the User shall not be refunded, and possible unblocking of access to the Application may take place as a result of individual arrangements with the Manager.
- The electronic mail address (e-mail) provided by the User, and being his/her Login in the Application, is used by the Manager for:
- sending issued VAT invoices,
- contacting the Manager with the User in matters related to the operation of the Application
to send the User advertising content and commercial information. - The User agrees to receive the data and information referred to above and to process for these purposes the information provided during registration in the Application, in particular the email address.
§4 Assistance and Notes
- All comments and objections to the Application should be submitted by email to support (at)
- The User may submit Comments and Complaints to the operation of the Application if the services provided for in these Regulations and the User Manual are not provided by the Manager or are not provided as described.
- Comments and Complaints may be submitted in writing to the Administrator's registered office address or electronically to the electronic e-mail address or contact form. Comments and Complaints should include at least the name of the user, a description of the problem, a description of the concerns raised and the email address to which a response to the submitted Comments and Complaints is to be sent.
- If the data or information provided in the reported Remarks or Complaints needs to be supplemented, before considering them, the Administrator shall ask the User submitting them to supplement them.
- The Manager shall consider the submitted Remarks or Complaints within 14 working days from the date of their receipt in their correct form, with the proviso that the Manager may refuse to consider the submitted Remarks or Complaints submitted more than 50 working days after the reasons for the remarks.
- A response to the submitted Comments and a response to the Complaint shall be sent only to the e-mail address indicated in the application.
§5 Data protection in the Application
- The Manager shall take all necessary measures to protect the User's data and any other data entered by the User into the Application. At the same time, the Manager agrees not to make available to third parties any data entered by the User into the Application.
- The data entered by the User into the Application are the property of the User.
- The data referred to in the Regulations are collected and processed for the purposes referred to in the Regulations and for the proper functioning of the Application.
- The Manager is not responsible for the content of the data entered by the User in the Application.
- The User shall have the right to inspect the data entered by him/her into the Application at any time, as well as the right to change them.
- The Manager is obliged to provide the User with access to up-to-date information about:
- specific risks associated with the use of the electronically provided service;
- the function and purpose of the software or data that are not a component of the content of the service, entered by the manager into the information system used by the User.
§6 Settlements with the Manager
- The User is entitled to one 14-day free trial period to use the Application in full functionality. After this period, he/she is required to pay for the use of the Application for the selected period.
- After the expiration of the trial period, the User shall pay an upfront fee in accordance with the Price List for the use of the Application for each subsequent month, (or if the User so chooses a quarter, half-year or year). If the User cancels the use of the Application after the one-month trial period, he/she will not incur any fees.
- Upon receipt of the fee, the Administrator shall issue a VAT invoice to the User in accordance with the data provided in the registration form, which shall be delivered to the User in electronic form (pdf document) to the electronic mail (e-mail) address provided by the User at registration.
- In case of non-payment for the next billing period, the account will be deactivated on the first day after the expiration of the paid subscription, and within 30 days after the expiration of the paid subscription, the historical data of the given User will be deleted from the Application.
- If a payment is made after a period of non-payment within 30 days, the account will be re-activated with the retention of data accumulated during the previous subscription.
§7 Responsibility of the Manager
- The Manager ensures the correctness of the data exported by the Application. The Manager, however, has no influence on the correctness of the use of the generated exports by external companies and Applications and is not responsible for any problems resulting from errors of external companies and Applications.
- The Application is available to Users continuously, but the Manager warns that the availability of the Application may be temporarily suspended for technical reasons (failures, the need to carry out repairs or maintenance of the systems supporting the Application and in connection with the need to upgrade or expand them, repairs or maintenance).
- In the event that the interruption or temporary suspension of the availability of the Application is foreseeable, the Manager shall notify Users of such events well in advance by placing a relevant notice inside the Application or informing them by e-mail.
- The Manager shall take all legally permitted actions to ensure the proper functioning of the Application in technical, formal and legal terms.
- The Manager shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the inability to use or malfunctioning of the Application or improper use of the Application by the User.
- The Manager shall not be liable for any damage resulting from improper operation of the User's computer hardware and software.
- The Manager shall not be responsible for any damage caused by the User's disclosure of the Password to a third party.
- The Application Manager shall also not be liable for any damage caused by an external event impossible to foresee or prevent.
- Any liability of the Administrator for any damage that is demonstrated by the User and is not the damage described in clauses 5-8 of this paragraph is limited to the amount of the one-time monthly fee paid by the User.
§8 Final provisions
- The Terms and Conditions are effective as of the date of publication on the website
- If a new version of the Terms and Conditions is made available on the Application, the User will be notified of the changes when he/she starts using the Application.
- If the User does not wish to accept the new version of the Rules and Regulations, and thus wishes to stop using the Application, he/she should notify this fact within 5 days from the date of the appearance of the new Rules and Regulations by e-mail to the electronic address [email protected] with "refusal to accept the Rules and Regulations" in the subject line of the message. The use of the Application will be blocked for the User within one business day. The amount that has been paid by the User since the date of blocking the account will be returned to the established bank account, and consequently an adjustment invoice will also be issued changing the period for which access to the Application has been purchased.
- The User is obliged to maintain in the Application the current data provided at the time of registration in accordance with paragraph 3 item 3.
- All communication between the User and the Manager shall be made electronically using e-mail addresses or through the contact form.
- In matters concerning the provision of services by the Administrator and not regulated in the Regulations, the provisions of Polish law, including the Civil Code, shall apply.
The offer of the web application is not directed to consumers within the meaning of Article 221 of the Act of April 23, 1964 of the Civil Code (Journal of Laws No. 16. item 93).